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Please contact Pauline Cochran at with the following information: 

— Standard text permission:
Title and author of our book
Page numbers from which you wish to excerpt
Title and author/editor of your book
Format (hardcover/paperback/electronic/audio/etc.)

Tentative price
Publication date
Projected print run
Territory (i.e., world, US, North America, etc.)

— Course permission:
Title and author of our book

Page number or number of lines of our book

Name of your school
Title of your class

Name of Professor

Title of your course book
Number of copies
Price of course book, if any


Title and author of our book you wish to adapt and perform

Pages or lines you wish to exerpt

Date of your performance/s

Number of performances

Name of the theater

Seat capacity of the theater

Ticket price

Please submit your request at least one month in advance of when you need the permission to be granted.

Georges Borchardt, Inc.

136 East 57th Street, New York, NY 10022

(212) 753-5785

© 2023 by The Book Lover. Proudly created with

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